National Versatility Ranch Horse show

I did a NVRHA show last weekend. The good news was that they said my spade bit was legal, the bad news was they wouldn’t let me ride in the two rein (my mare is too old 8). More good news I think she goes as good or better straight up as she does in the two rein. I think I’ll start using more of the bridle reins and less of the hackamore reins.

This is the first show that I have done that wasn’t some sort of trail challenge. I learned a lot. I learned cutting looks kinda hard but it is actually harder than it looks. Especially if you haven’t really practiced any of it. Way different than sorting or setting up a rope shot.  Likewise boxing in reined cowhorse isn’t all that easy either. 🙂 On a more positive note I don’t completely suck on the reining pattern although I don’t have a very big stop and I don’t have much of a flying lead change (but I knew both of those).

I did fairly well in the ranch riding pattern and finished 6th out of I think 12 in the novice class. Lots of really good riders in the novice including some that are top competitors in the Extreme Cowboy Non-Pro ranks.

I definitely want to do more of these and get some practice on cattle cutting and boxing. I think I can be competitive with some more practice.

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